Happy Valley
Posted by Joe Lategan on Wednesday, August 24, 2011 Under: Divine intervention

Over the past few months between the end of April and mid August I have for the first time traveled a circle route from Cape Town Bloemfontein, Upington/Kalahari through Pofadder Springbok and back to the Cape with no photograph in my mind and allowed serendipity to take charge. Like travel photographers do but with the difference in that Fine art photographers have a more selective image in mind. Only the best conditions of light, colour, patterns, aesthetics, ambiance and awe must be present. Then there are the surprises. Although the situation was identified and captured, the result was never anticipated.This happened a few times on these trips. And I must say it is the most magic and treasured moments as there is no doubt a divine intervention somewhere between the spotting of the potential image and the day the photos are opened on the computer.I will share the images that this happened with me. This despite the fact that the image can be viewed on the cameras view finder or screen the moment the image is captured. This photo was one of those moments that blow you away as a photographer. I was on my way to the wacky wine show in Robertson valley and didn't really want to stop next to the dangerous N2 and take photos. I saw the light and my wife for some reason slightly spurred me on to take the photo and that also doesn't happen often. For that reason I stopped and used my 300 mm lens on a tripod and tried to capture the rays of coloured sunlight shinning through the two peaks and the small patch of coloured cloud between them.I had to use manual mode to expose for the cloud but not too much as not to show some contour below the mountain in the foreground. I got the after action satisfaction feeling when the images were captured as it should have been but without too much expectation. There is a nervousness when I take photos next to a busy road. Back at home the magic happened as I opened the image on computer and also for the first time saw the small isolated little chapel at the foot of the Riviersonderend mountains. The image came together as it magically shows this magic light shinning on a patch of trees in the valley of the chapel. I pulled out my maps of the area and the chapel was listed as a historically protected building called Bet Ziekenhuis. The peak to the left of the sun rays is called Skilpad kop and the one to the right Pilaarkop.The valley is aptly named "Happy valley" on the map. I only realised later trying to find the reason why the photo is engraved in my soul that My sister died in a car crash a few kilometers to the right at the very foot of that mountain right in line with the chapel. I now know ...she's somewhere on the image and she's telling me she's in a Happy Valley!!
In : Divine intervention
Tags: "happy valley" "divine intervention" "isolated churches"
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