Half day exclusive Photographic coaching overview in the fundamentals of photography. by Joe Lategan
This session is an overview to the fundamentals of capturing images that would allow you to bring in some money to return photographic expenses. What to photograph? how to plan a annual schedule? who to sell to, social media, web optimization, equipment, what to edit, how to do marketing and corporate image are amongst others subjects covered. The coaching will help you identify which areas you should regard as strengths and which ares should be regarded as weaknesses and how to overcome these and how to build on the strengths.
This course can be arranged at the location of your choice when I am travelling through the country but are mostly available in and around the Overstrand and Overberg areas.
Selfdrive options also avaible
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The Kruger Park is one of the top wildlife areas in the world for photography and you are only restricted by the park rules, your equipment and ability. Award winning shots can be captured in the actual camps by the dedicated photographer. You could easily publish a book on photographs taken only in the camps, particularly of those taken at night when the bushveld comes alive with nocturnal creatures big and small. Only the best or mature photographers will not race together with all the other vehicles to where a lion has killed an antelope the night before. The chances that you will get an award winning shot are limited. Rather drive slowly and scan the bushes for the slightest movement or stay in one place when there is the slightest possibility of behaviour that would be unique if captured on camera.